last chance: 
Star - 03.03. (17:30
Dream - 03.03. (17:30



Each of us will surely remember one of the famous singers. But what if you have it on your tongue and not and don't remember… Go to places where a famous Rock Star was preparing for his concerts and performances. There were times when she sold out stadiums around the world, but she suddenly disappeared… As if she had evaporated. To this day, her disappearance is a mystery. Did she retire, was she kidnapped, or did it have something to do with the disappearance of the heroes who appeared here and there at their concerts? We will probably never know that again… Or did she leave behind some traces that would clarify her disappearance?

1 - 2 hráči 2-6 payers
60 minut 60 minutes
Dárek Gift
Vstupní překvapení 4 game modes: (Coooperate, Time, Objective, Deathmatch)

Středně těžké Adjustable difficulty - Children / Adults
Informace Arrive 15 minutes earlier

Price: 1500 Kč

It is valid for the entire game, not for the person.



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Jurnalist / Room

Dream / Star / Hero / Celebration

Prison / The Case


IČO: 05729262
Responsible person: Jindřich Marek