last chance: 
Room - 13.02. (10:30) (12:00
Star - 13.02. (16:00
Journalist - 13.02. (12:00
Dream - 13.02. (14:30) (16:00
Hero - 13.02. (14:30) (16:00
Prison - 13.02. (18:30

What is escape?

What is escape?

Escape game is game, in which are all participants locked together in one room (or rooms) and cooperate together to solve different riddles, traps and other snares using different clues, items and mind skills leading them through whole main and side story lines up to unlocking and leaving the room(s), means finish the game.

All players must orientate fast, look out and find first clues, items and tracks helping them in solving numerous logical riddles and glitches. Players personally experince amusement and adventure, during which they need to think good, cooperate with other players and react on the game story changes. Each game has its time limit. That brings among players even more drama, brain activity and motivation to solve the game quickly and together. Escape games deliver opriginally from computer games. The self person physical experience is what makes them so different, new, cool and superfunny!

Choose your own game!

Each game guarantees a different kind of adventure and adrenaline. Do you want to find out the truth in the story of a journalist, whether you are tempted to visit a mysterious bunker? Even children would find something suitable. We have a fairytale room for them, which is hiding a few surprises!

Intelligent entertainment

  • Story
  • Surprise
  • Atmosfere

Our escape games provide you and focus on comprehensive amusement of all participants. Thanks to sophisticated original game system you unlock step by step new main and side story lines, new quest items, stashes and even whole new rooms to explore! Skillful teams might possible reveal some of top secret treasure rewarding stashes.. Our escape games have specific unmistakeable cool atmosphere, which drags you completly with fun and joy into the story, into the game!




All our facilities are very well accessible. For the most up-to-date information, add us to Facebook or watch our Twitter!

Jurnalist / Room

Dream / Star / Hero / Celebration

Prison / The Case


IČO: 05729262
Responsible person: Jindřich Marek