Booking - Celebration

There are a few steps left and the fun can start!

More about the game

You have choosen the game Celebration, now continue by selecting the free date, fill in the contact information and choose the payment method.

Your term


Package 1 includes:

Hire of the above premises for the celebration, water and tea. (coffee can be bought on site)
Possibility to consume your own food and drink.

Package 2 includes:

Hire of the above premises for the celebration, water and tea (4x), fruit, salty snails / crisps and homemade cheese sticks, gingerbread / pudding with whipped cream and fruit.
Possibility to consume your own food and drink.

Package 3 includes:

Hire of the above premises for the celebration, water and tea (6x), fruit, salty snails, homemade cheese sticks / crisps, chips, gingerbread and pudding with whipped cream and fruit / mascarpone cups with fruit
Possibility to consume your own food and drink.

Package 4 includes:

Hire of the above premises for the celebration, water and tea. (8x), fruit, salty snails, homemade cheese sticks, crisps, chips, gingerbread, pudding with whipped cream and fruit, mascarpone cups with fruit
Possibility to consume your own food and drink.

1 - 2 hráči 2-10 players
60 minut 60 - 180 minutes
Dárek Food
Vstupní překvapení Drink
Středně těžké 1300 Kč

Sýrové tyčinky
Sýrové tyčinky
Sýrové tyčinky

Your data

Name and surname

Party time

Game language

Price:1300 Kč

(Finish Reservation = Cash Payment on Site / Pay Reservation = Redirect to Payment Gateway)


All our facilities are very well accessible. For the most up-to-date information, add us to Facebook or watch our Twitter!

Jurnalist / Room

Dream / Star / Hero / Celebration

Prison / The Case


IČO: 05729262
Responsible person: Jindřich Marek